04 July, Sat, 3-4pm TOPIC: Finding a Suitable Helper during Crisis

In Upcoming & Past Webinars (Dates as stated) 0 comments
In times of crisis like Covid-19, getting the extra help has more challenges as Government imposes increasing barriers of entry.
Today, we are happy to have with us Mr. Ryan Ng, who runs this family business with his mother, to answer some questions that we all might have during this period of uncertainty. Master Employment Agency goes by the motto that if they will not hire the helper for themselves, they will not recommend it to their clients. 
Master Employment Agency , a highly sought after agency in Facebook FDW groups and parents forums and discussion groups is many young adults' choice partner for their domestic employment needs, whether is it in terms of elderly care or child care. 

During this period of uncertainty, Master Employment Agency appeals to employers and all of you to refer helpers who are currently in Singapore to them. Some employers who may no longer need a helper due to elderly passed away or unable to afford due to losing of jobs etc. Master Employment Agency helps employers save the costs of repatriating back the workers and help the workers find new employers in Singapore. They have a referral program now on our website https://www.masteremploymentagency.com/about-1 and we reward $100 NTUC vouchers each for the referrer and the employer, do find out more today, and help fellow Singaporeans.  

Who's invited?

Everyone who has interests in the topic is invited! This is a topic close to our hearts, please share and invite your friends to join in this sharing!

We hope that this exclusive Webinar will allow you to gain knowledge and insights into the area(s) of topic discussed. 

See you at the Webinar!



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