Super Baby 2021 (Online Registration & Submission)
A pair of twill woven shorts featuring slanted front pockets, buttoned back pockets, a zip pocket, buttoned waist, and keychain loop.

Check out the registration via the shopping cart, and someone will be contacting you shortly to brief you further.
NOTE: Do not utilise your SGIM code for this deal.
So who are the Judges??
The age limits of participants are 4-12 years old. The contest is open to all genders, nationalities and races.
Registration fee includes one basic grooming session (for child) and one session on health and nutrition (for mother).
Events shall be held in Singapore.
Judging will be based on the mother-child mutual interactions and overall presentation.
The winners shall receive the following:
Champion: S$2,000 Cash + Certificate of Achievement
1st Runner-up: S$1,000 Cash + Certificate of Achievement
2nd Runner-up: S$500 Cash + Certificate of Achievement
All participants who scored well shall receive the following special achievement medals based on judging scores:
90-100 points: Gold medal
80-90 points: Silver Medal
70-80 points: Bronze Medal
Award winners may be offered opportunities in the media and entertainment industry.
Judging results shall be announced during the Grand Final. All decisions by the judges shall be final. No correspondence or appeal shall be entertained.
Event dates shall be scheduled as follows:
1 June 2021 Registration Open
15 July 2021 Registration Deadline
18 July 2021 Audition
25 July 2021 Audition
31 July 2021 Audition
22 August 2021 Live Streaming Show
29 August 2021 Live Streaming Show
5 September 2021 Live Streaming Show
26 September 2021 Grand Final
9. The organizer reserves the right to make any changes to the events. The events shall adhere to the safe distancing measures implemented by the government. All participants shall be informed prior to any changes.
2021 智信美超级宝贝报名须知
参赛年龄 4-12 周岁即可, 男女不限, 国际不限,种族不限。
活动举办国 -- 新加坡
第一名:2,000 新币奖金 + 智信美和新加坡艺人公会联合颁发的荣誉证书
第二名:1,000 新币奖金 + 智信美和新加坡艺人公会联合颁发的荣誉证书
第三名:500 新币奖金 + 智信美和新加坡艺人公会联合颁发的荣誉证书
90-100 分: 金牌
80-90 分: 银牌
70-80 分: 铜牌 -
2021年6月1日 开始报名
2021年7月15日 结束报名
2021年7月18日 试镜
2021年7月25 日 试镜
2021年7月31日 试镜
2021年8月22日 直播活动
2021年8月29日 直播活动
2021年9月5日 直播活动
2021年9月26日 大决赛 -
主办单位保持最终修改或变更活动之权利。活动如出现协调安排将另行通知(与政府的 条例与疫情配合)。