
Choose an Auspicious Baby Name!


Choosing an auspicious baby name by a trusted Fortune Teller is important. 

Some believe that a calculated name provides a smoother path for the baby in his or her many years to come, and may have an impact all the way into adulthood and beyond. 

The calculation takes into consideration of various factors and may include considerations such as the parents' and sibling(s)' chinese zodiac animal, "eight characters". Different permutations and names may also result in different characters, personalities of the baby, and may neutralise certain negative energies or elements in the baby's life. 


In collaboration with SGIM, besides choosing an auspicious baby name for you, Modern Fengshui consultant Master Rain Goh also provides Personal Consultation on Family 、Career 、Marriage、Luck via SGIM's platform.

Purchase the deal today with the SGIM code and our mommies' favourite Modern Fengshui consultant will get in touch with you shortly. 


Master Rain Goh Yi - Modern Fengshui Consultant

Master Rain is a Feng Shui Specialist, having helped hundreds of Families, Individuals and Property Developers by working on their Wealth, Health and Relationships 

Testimonial(s)/ Photos with happy clients:

非常感谢 Yi Feng Shui 为我家小儿子取了个好名字,浩希满一岁了哦!宝宝非常乖巧听话. 正所谓一命二运三风水,希望这名字能帮助宝宝健康,顺利,平安. - Evelyn Loo


感谢妳的信任,祝福妳全家大小❤️健康平安 ! 快乐幸福!

